As you may already know, at the heart of Bleubird is a passion for protecting the planet we love. We have always planted one tree for every order, however, over the course of the past 3 years, we have been working on a larger, more trackable project, which offers multiple benefits to both environmental and humanitarian causes.
Bleubird in Malawi
Bleubird in Malawi
As you may already know, at the heart of Bleubird is a passion for protecting the planet we love. We have always planted one tree for every order, however, over the course of the past 2 years, we have been working on a larger, more trackable project, which offers multiple benefits to both environmental and humanitarian causes.
As you may already know, at the heart of Bleubird is a passion for protecting the planet we love. We have always planted one tree for every order, however, over the course of the past 2 years, we have been working on a larger, more trackable project, which offers multiple benefits to both environmental and humanitarian causes.
Bleubird in Malawi is a passion project in which we as a team, alongside Mulanje Mission Hospital can see a direct impact on the lives and environment in Mulanje and beyond. Spare two minutes and watch the video below to see what is going on.
Bleubird in Malawi is a passion project in which we as a team, alongside Mulanje Mission Hospital can see a direct impact on the lives and environment in Mulanje and beyond. Spare two minutes and watch the video below to see what is going on.
Bleubird in Malawi is a passion project in which we as a team, alongside Mulanje Mission Hospital can see a direct impact on the lives and environment in Mulanje and beyond. Spare two minutes and watch the video below to see what is going on.
Our Project in Malawi is just one part of our ongoing Eco Side. You can read more about what we are doing with our products, manufacturing and tree planting by clicking the link below.
Our Project in Malawi is just one part of our ongoing Eco Side. You can read more about what we are doing with our products, manufacturing and tree planting by clicking the link below.
Our Project in Malawi is just one part of our ongoing Eco Side. You can read more about what we are doing with our products, manufacturing and tree planting by clicking the link below.
What are they?
The majority of Malawian families (currently 90%) cook on an old-school 'Three Stone Fire' which sits in the middle of the living area.
It’s dangerous and inefficient. Uses three to four wood bundles a week which takes 3-5 hours collecting, and the open fires cause health issues, inhalation problems and burns, especially to younger children.
What are they?
The majority of Malawian families (currently 90%) cook on an old-school 'Three Stone Fire' which sits in the middle of the living area.
It’s dangerous and inefficient. Uses three to four wood bundles a week which takes 3-5 hours collecting, and the open fires cause health issues, inhalation problems and burns, especially to younger children.
What are they?
The majority of Malawian families (currently 90%) cook on an old-school 'Three Stone Fire' which sits in the middle of the living area.
It’s dangerous and inefficient. Uses three to four wood bundles a week which takes 3-5 hours collecting, and the open fires cause health issues, inhalation problems and burns, especially to younger children.
The changu changu moto...
The Changu Changu Moto has been a humble response to this issue – it’s a simple cookstove, originally developed by Ripple Africa.
Changu Changu Moto translates directly to ‘Fast Fast Fire’.
Working alongside the team at Mulanje Mission Hospital, we have been enabling families to make the switch away from the traditional cooking method, towards the Changu Changu Moto.
The changu changu moto...
The Changu Changu Moto has been a humble response to this issue – it’s a simple cookstove, originally developed by Ripple Africa.
Changu Changu Moto translates directly to ‘Fast Fast Fire’.
Working alongside the team at Mulanje Mission Hospital, we have been enabling families to make the switch away from the traditional cooking method, towards the Changu Changu Moto.
The changu changu moto...
The Changu Changu Moto has been a humble response to this issue – it’s a simple cookstove, originally developed by Ripple Africa.
Changu Changu Moto translates directly to ‘Fast Fast Fire’.
Working alongside the team at Mulanje Mission Hospital, we have been enabling families to make the switch away from the traditional cooking method, towards the Changu Changu Moto.
There are multiple benefits to making this switch, including a 66% reduction in household wood use, which not only helps tackle deforestation and CO2 emissions but also helps families save valuable time and labour.
In contrast to the Three Stone Fire, the Changu Changu Moto Cookstove keeps the flame enclosed within the cookstove, allowing for a safer method of cooking, and reducing smoke inhalation and burn incidents among younger children. It’s a simple mud brick and mortar mix. It uses natural materials, water and sunlight and takes just an hour to make.
There are multiple benefits to making this switch, including a 66% reduction in household wood use, which not only helps tackle deforestation and CO2 emissions but also helps families save valuable time and labour.
In contrast to the Three Stone Fire, the Changu Changu Moto Cookstove keeps the flame enclosed within the cookstove, allowing for a safer method of cooking, and reducing smoke inhalation and burn incidents among younger children. It’s a simple mud brick and mortar mix. It uses natural materials, water and sunlight and takes just an hour to make.
There are multiple benefits to making this switch, including a 66% reduction in household wood use, which not only helps tackle deforestation and CO2 emissions but also helps families save valuable time and labour.
In contrast to the Three Stone Fire, the Changu Changu Moto Cookstove keeps the flame enclosed within the cookstove, allowing for a safer method of cooking, and reducing smoke inhalation and burn incidents among younger children. It’s a simple mud brick and mortar mix. It uses natural materials, water and sunlight and takes just an hour to make.
Total Stoves Built
and counting...
Team visit...
In April, a team from Bleubird joined other Northern Irish businesses involved in Malawi (Good Little Company, Fane Valley, and Action Renewables) for a visit to Mulanje Mission Hospital.
During their time, they got the chance to meet with locals and witness the devastation caused by Cyclone Freddy. Efforts have also been made to help people in Malawi get back to farming to harvest.
During the visit, the team were able to see and assist with the building of the Changu Changu Moto Cookstoves, witness them in action, and discover the real-life impact of the stoves on families in the area.
Team visit...
In April, a team from Bleubird joined other Northern Irish businesses involved in Malawi (Good Little Company, Fane Valley, and Action Renewables) for a visit to Mulanje Mission Hospital.
During their time, they got the chance to meet with locals and witness the devastation caused by Cyclone Freddy. Efforts have also been made to help people in Malawi get back to farming to harvest.
During the visit, the team were able to see and assist with the building of the Changu Changu Moto Cookstoves, witness them in action, and discover the real-life impact of the stoves on families in the area.
Team visit...
In April, a team from Bleubird joined other Northern Irish businesses involved in Malawi (Good Little Company, Fane Valley, and Action Renewables) for a visit to Mulanje Mission Hospital.
During their time, they got the chance to meet with locals and witness the devastation caused by Cyclone Freddy. Efforts have also been made to help people in Malawi get back to farming to harvest.
During the visit, the team were able to see and assist with the building of the Changu Changu Moto Cookstoves, witness them in action, and discover the real-life impact of the stoves on families in the area.
One of the most impactful benefits of the Changu Changu Moto Cookstove project is the focus on education. The stoves are built using bricks made from a mud-mortar mix that is natural and readily available for locals to use. When stoves are first installed, families are involved in the entire process and shown how to fix and rebuild the stoves for themselves.
Many of the Cookstoves across Mulanje were destroyed by Cyclone Freddy. However, when the team visited locals to provide relief efforts, they were encouraged to see that many families had already rebuilt the cookstoves for themselves.
One of the most impactful benefits of the Changu Changu Moto Cookstove project is the focus on education. The stoves are built using bricks made from a mud-mortar mix that is natural and readily available for locals to use. When stoves are first installed, families are involved in the entire process and shown how to fix and rebuild the stoves for themselves.
Many of the Cookstoves across Mulanje were destroyed by Cyclone Freddy. However, when the team visited locals to provide relief efforts, they were encouraged to see that many families had already rebuilt the cookstoves for themselves.
One of the most impactful benefits of the Changu Changu Moto Cookstove project is the focus on education. The stoves are built using bricks made from a mud-mortar mix that is natural and readily available for locals to use. When stoves are first installed, families are involved in the entire process and shown how to fix and rebuild the stoves for themselves.
Many of the Cookstoves across Mulanje were destroyed by Cyclone Freddy. However, when the team visited locals to provide relief efforts, they were encouraged to see that many families had already rebuilt the cookstoves for themselves.
Cyclone Freddy was devastating. However, we can take encouragement in knowing that each Changu Changu Moto Cookstove introduced can have a profound and long-lasting positive impact in giving agency to local communities as they have the tools and knowledge to rebuild and repair the stoves as and when they need.
Reflecting on the visit, the team explained, “We have never felt more despondent by the reality and the injustice of Absolute Poverty. However, we have never felt more encouraged by the effectiveness of the sustainable work in progress at Mulanje Mission Hospital.
Cyclone Freddy was devastating. However, we can take encouragement in knowing that each Changu Changu Moto Cookstove introduced can have a profound and long-lasting positive impact in giving agency to local communities as they have the tools and knowledge to rebuild and repair the stoves as and when they need.
Reflecting on the visit, the team explained, “We have never felt more despondent by the reality and the injustice of Absolute Poverty. However, we have never felt more encouraged by the effectiveness of the sustainable work in progress at Mulanje Mission Hospital.
Cyclone Freddy was devastating. However, we can take encouragement in knowing that each Changu Changu Moto Cookstove introduced can have a profound and long-lasting positive impact in giving agency to local communities as they have the tools and knowledge to rebuild and repair the stoves as and when they need.
Reflecting on the visit, the team explained, “We have never felt more despondent by the reality and the injustice of Absolute Poverty. However, we have never felt more encouraged by the effectiveness of the sustainable work in progress at Mulanje Mission Hospital.
The ongoing effort...
The Bleubird foundation’s work in Malawi is an ongoing effort. We are very excited to be able to have a real life impact on the lives of local communities and also on the environment. It’s a project we have control over, can see for ourselves and track the growth and benefit of.
With the support of our community, customers, retail partners and followers, we are able to do this. Without you, this wouldn’t be possible, so thank you.
The ongoing effort...
The Bleubird foundation’s work in Malawi is an ongoing effort. We are very excited to be able to have a real life impact on the lives of local communities and also on the environment. It’s a project we have control over, can see for ourselves and track the growth and benefit of.
With the support of our community, customers, retail partners and followers, we are able to do this. Without you, this wouldn’t be possible, so thank you.
The ongoing effort...
The Bleubird foundation’s work in Malawi is an ongoing effort. We are very excited to be able to have a real life impact on the lives of local communities and also on the environment. It’s a project we have control over, can see for ourselves and track the growth and benefit of.
With the support of our community, customers, retail partners and followers, we are able to do this. Without you, this wouldn’t be possible, so thank you.
Further Information
Why it's important
The Changu Changu Moto which translates directly to ‘Fast Fast Fire’ was originally developed by
Ripple Africa a charity who focus on empowering communities to achieve a sustainable future by providing a hand UP, not a hand out.
We have been able to help increase the impact Ripple Africa have throughout Malawi through this cookstove project. Here's a little more info on how the Fast Fast Fire works...
The Changu Changu Moto:
- reduces household wood use from three bundles of wood per week to just one
- contains the fire within the cookstove at the side of the kitchen, reducing injuries from burns
- has a double burner so that two pots can be cooked simultaneously, saving time
- produces substantially less smoke than the traditional three-stone fire, reducing coughing and breathing problems
- takes just one hour to make and is made from free local and readily available materials
- The Changu Changu Moto is a sustainable and locally produced fuel-efficient cookstove made out of just 26 mud bricks and a mud mortar mix. It is an adaption of a 16-brick design by Dr Larry Winiarski and has been specially modified by Ripple Africa for Malawi after lots of positive trials and community feedback
The project aims are as follows:
- Tackling deforestation in Malawi – Around 95% of families in Malawi depend on wood for cooking and millions of trees are cut down every year for use on inefficient traditional three-stone open fires. The Changu Changu Moto project with Ripple Africa so far has resulted in 97,000 fewer bundles of firewood being needed EVERY WEEK, reducing household wood use by 66%.
- Improving the health of women and children – According to the World Health Organisation (2018) close to 4 million people die prematurely each year from illness attributable to household air pollution from inefficient cooking practices. The Changu Changu Moto produces less smoke, reducing smoke inhalation by people cooking or sitting around the fire. Also in Malawi, women traditionally prepare the food with their children playing near them in the kitchen and it is common for children to fall into the fire or for women’s long skirts to catch fire. Sixty percent of households consulted by Ripple Africa reported that a member of their family had sustained serious burns from a traditional three-stone cooking fire. The Changu Changu Moto fire is contained, greatly reducing the risk of burns while cooking.
- Sustainability – The stoves are made of a simple mud mortar mix and can be easily repaired by householders when broken. Ripple Africa doesn’t build the stove and walk away but works with households to deliver the long-term education which will ensure the stove will be used for life.
- Saving labour – For women who collect wood, the stove can mean a saving of up to 10 hours each week. The stoves also cook faster (Changu Changu Moto actually means Fast Fast Fire in Chichewa), and the double burner means food is ready in half the time. This frees up time which women can spend on other activities.
- Saving money – In many parts of Malawi, people cut down trees from existing forests near their home. However, in urban or heavily deforested rural areas, families have to buy their fuel for cooking. Wood is extremely expensive and makes up a huge proportion of a family’s expenditure, and a 67% saving in money spent on wood is particularly important to poor families.
- Educating families about sustainable living – In addition to teaching people how to use the fuel-efficient cookstoves, much time is spent on discussing why people should use them. Users learn about the problems of deforestation, and the importance of sustainable and environmentally friendly living solutions. This is the key to ensuring the long term success of the project.
*Information taken from
What ripple africa has achieved so far
- So far, Ripple Africa has helped communities construct over 47,000 Changu Changu Moto cookstoves and have supported the householders to maintain and use them.
- They have reduced the burns rate within Nkhata Bay District by more than 60% as the fuel-efficient cookstoves are safer than a three stone fire.